From today, I will contribute the C# version examples of iText in Action(just port from java version to C#) version, by compile the C# version, you need .NET Framework and the last version iTextSharp.
I will update this article when I contribute new examples.
- 2006-10-11:HelloWorld
- 2006-10-11:HelloWorldBurst
- 2006-10-11:Burst.cs–split a PDF in several separate PDF files (1 per page)
I downloaded the tutorials but they do not seem to be compatible with the latest version of iTextSharp.
I was wondering if there are updated samples.
I’m having problems with the watermark sample. Type watermark is not defined nor is type graphic.
XmlWriter not defined and problems with markup tags.
Any suggestions would be great thanks.
can i get any sample code for generating a pdf from html?