YetAnotherForum.NET (YAF) is a Open Source discussion forum or bulletin board system for web sites running ASP.NET. The latest version is ASP.NET v2.0 with a Microsoft SQL Server backend. The full C# source code is available licensed as GPL.
Yesterday, some friends talked about set up a forum, and one of them recommended YAF, I googled it today, and tried to installed on my free 2.0 hosting, does not offer hosting to new user). It is very easy to install,
- download from
- log on
- upload and uncompress,
- create a blank database at local, for example name yaf, so you get yaf.mdf and yaf_log.ldf, just upload yaf.mdf to database folder and forget yaf_log.ldf.
- attach yaf.mdf as tonyfox_yaf(because my usename is tonyfox, so the prefix is tonyfox_)
- find default.config and rename to web.config
- edit the connect string in web.config, just like this,
.\SQLExpress;Persist Security Info=True;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=tonyfox_yaf
- install YAF now,
Feel free to visit my demo,
related resource,
- YAF supports url rewritting now, and if you are interested in it, please visit this post,
YAF v1.9.1 RC1 for .NET v2.0 Framework (Dated 5/15/2007) - MSProject from YAF, but full simplified Chinese version, feel free to visit this post,