RubyPDF Blog Java,Open Source Image Combiner – combine two images into one.

Image Combiner – combine two images into one.

Here is a java implementation, I just get it from other website, and want to use it some day.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

* To use this program, first identify the two images
* you want to merge. Then run this program and give
* the two image file names on the command line. The
* program will display both images and their combination.
* To change the relative weights of the combination,
* pass both the file names and the weights on the command
* line.

* For example:
* java ImageCombiner photo1.jpg 0.67 photo2.jpg 0.55
public class ImageCombiner extends WindowAdapter {
Image resultImage;
Image img1;
Image img2;
Image imgr;
ImageDisplay ic1;
ImageDisplay ic2;
ImageDisplay icr;
int ccnt;

public class ImageDisplay extends Canvas {
private Image i;
private Frame myframe;

public ImageDisplay(Image img, boolean makeframe) {
i = img;
if (makeframe) {
myframe = new Frame("Image");
myframe.add(this, BorderLayout.CENTER);
MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(this);
mt.addImage(i, 1);
try { mt.waitForAll(); } catch (Exception ie) { }
setSize(i.getWidth(this), i.getHeight(this));
else {
myframe = null;
setSize(i.getWidth(this), i.getHeight(this));
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(i, 0, 0, this);

public Frame getFrame() { return myframe; }

public void placeAndShow(int x, int y) {
if (myframe != null) {

* ImageMerger acts as an ImageProducer to
* generate the merger of two images.
* When created, it expects to Image objects.
* It extracts the pixels from these objects,
* and merges them using a simple weighted
* addition in RGB space. The width and height
* of the result image are each the maximum of
* the widths and heights of the input images.
* Normally, you'll get best results when the
* images are exactly the same size.
public class ImageMerger
protected double w1, w2;
protected Image i1;
protected Image i2;
protected ColorModel cm;

int rwid, rhgt;
protected int results[];

* Create in ImageMerger object to merge two
* images. This does not perform the merger,
* that should be done by calling generate().
* This constructors sets the weights to
* 0.5 and 0.5.
public ImageMerger(Image img1, Image img2) {
cm = null;
i1 = img1;
i2 = img2;
w1 = 0.5;
w2 = 0.5;
rwid = 0;
rhgt = 0;
results = null;

* Set the relative weights of the
* two images. Usually, these should add
* up to 1.0, but they don't have to.
public void setWeights(double img1weight, double img2weight) {
w1 = img1weight;
w2 = img2weight;

* Generate the merged image and store it
* for later hand-off to an ImageConsumer.
* The caller must supply a Component c on which
* the image will eventually be drawn.
public boolean generate(Component comp) {
MediaTracker mt;
mt = new MediaTracker(comp);
mt.addImage(i1, 1);
mt.addImage(i2, 2);
try { mt.waitForAll(); } catch (Exception ie) { }

int wid1, wid2;
int hgt1, hgt2;

wid1 = i1.getWidth(comp);
wid2 = i2.getWidth(comp);
hgt1 = i1.getHeight(comp);
hgt2 = i2.getHeight(comp);

rwid = Math.max(wid1, wid2);
rhgt = Math.max(hgt1, hgt2);

results = new int[rwid * rhgt];

int [] p1 = new int[rwid * rhgt];
int [] p2 = new int[rwid * rhgt];

PixelGrabber pg1 = new PixelGrabber(i1, 0, 0, wid1, hgt1, p1, 0, rwid);
try { pg1.grabPixels(); } catch (Exception ie1) { }

PixelGrabber pg2 = new PixelGrabber(i2, 0, 0, wid2, hgt2, p2, 0, rwid);
try { pg2.grabPixels(); } catch (Exception ie2) { }

cm = ColorModel.getRGBdefault();

int y, x, rp, rpi;
int red1, red2, redr;
int green1, green2, greenr;
int blue1, blue2, bluer;
int alpha1, alpha2, alphar;
double wgt1, wgt2;

for(y = 0; y < rhgt; y++) { for(x = 0; x < rwid; x++) { rpi = y * rwid + x; rp = 0; blue1 = p1[rpi] & 0x00ff; blue2 = p2[rpi] & 0x00ff; green1 = (p1[rpi] >> 8) & 0x00ff;
green2 = (p2[rpi] >> 8) & 0x00ff;
red1 = (p1[rpi] >> 16) & 0x00ff;
red2 = (p2[rpi] >> 16) & 0x00ff;
alpha1 = (p1[rpi] >> 24) & 0x00ff;
alpha2 = (p2[rpi] >> 24) & 0x00ff;

// Com*****tions for combining the pixels,
// perform this any way you like!
// Here we just use simple weighted addition.
wgt1 = w1 * (alpha1 / 255.0);
wgt2 = w2 * (alpha2 / 255.0);
redr = (int)(red1 * wgt1 + red2 * wgt2);
redr = (redr < 0)?(0):((redr>255)?(255):(redr));
greenr = (int)(green1 * wgt1 + green2 * wgt2);
greenr = (greenr < 0)?(0):((greenr>255)?(255):(greenr));
bluer = (int)(blue1 * wgt1 + blue2 * wgt2);
bluer = (bluer < 0)?(0):((bluer>255)?(255):(bluer));
alphar = 255;

rp = (((((alphar << 8) + (redr & 0x0ff)) << 8) + (greenr & 0x0ff)) << 8) + (bluer & 0x0ff); // save the pixel results[rpi] = rp; } } return true; } /** * Simple approach to getting an image - just * create one using MemoryImageSource. */ public Image getGeneratedImage() { Image ret; MemoryImageSource mis; if (results == null) { Frame dummy = new Frame(); generate(dummy); dummy.dispose(); } mis = new MemoryImageSource(rwid, rhgt, cm, results, 0, rwid); ret = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(mis); return ret; } /** * Call this to free up pixel storage allocated by * this ImageMerger object. */ public void dispose() { results = null; return; } } public ImageCombiner(Image i1, double w1, Image i2, double w2) { ccnt = 0; img1 = i1; img2 = i2; ic1 = new ImageDisplay(img1, true); ic1.getFrame().addWindowListener(this); ic1.placeAndShow(50,50); ic2 = new ImageDisplay(img2, true); ic2.getFrame().addWindowListener(this); ic2.placeAndShow(100,90); ImageMerger imerge = new ImageMerger(i1, i2); imerge.setWeights(w1, w2); imerge.generate(ic2); imgr = imerge.getGeneratedImage(); imerge.dispose(); icr = new ImageDisplay(imgr, true); icr.getFrame().addWindowListener(this); icr.placeAndShow(200,180); } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { we.getWindow().hide(); we.getWindow().dispose(); ccnt++; if (ccnt >= 3) System.exit(0);

public static void main(String [] args) {
if (args.length < 2) { System.err.println("Too few command-line arguments!"); System.err.println("Usage: java ImageCombiner imagefile1 imagefile2"); System.err.println("Usage: java ImageCombiner imagefile1 weight1 imagefile2 weight2"); System.exit(0); } String imgf1, imgf2; double w1 = 0.5; double w2 = 0.5; if (args.length < 4) { imgf1 = args[0]; imgf2 = args[1]; } else { imgf1 = args[0]; w1 = Double.parseDouble(args[1]); imgf2 = args[2]; w2 = Double.parseDouble(args[3]); } Image i1 = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(imgf1); Image i2 = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(imgf2); if (i1 == null) { System.err.println("Could not get image from " + imgf1); System.exit(1); } if (i2 == null) { System.err.println("Could not get image from " + imgf2); System.exit(2); } ImageCombiner icom = new ImageCombiner(i1, w1, i2, w2); } }

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