I noticed a bid on RAC named Install WordPress Plugins – About 35 or less
, I just wonder if a WordPress Blog need so many plugins installed. and here is the requirement,
I have a wordpress 2.6 installation and would like to add many plugins. I’m looking for someone who can start working on this today or tonight, preferably with yahoo messenger or msn messenger. I will sign up for services as needed, when needed.
Some of these are redundant. That’s ok, because I’d like to experiment with them and see what I like the best. I’ll need advice if they are incompatible. I’d also appreciate advice if you can think of a better replacement for any of the plugins. Please also give advice if you believe a plugin is not needed. It’s very possible my comments are wrong because I’m misinformed – relying on old information, etc. Part of this job is giving me solid advice.
Please mention your experience with wordpress, and examples if you have them.
Here are the plugins I’d like installed, with the link, and notes below the link when needed. I’m trying to group things that seem related.
Please ask questions if you have them, and like I said, please be available to work on this very soon, and also let me know your experience with wordpress. Also, please confirm that you can use yahoo or msn messenger for communication.
I didn’t place a total for the bids, because I was thinking this might be right above or below $100 or so. I’m willing to pay more based on experience and speed and capabilities.
Here is the plugin list. Btw, the primary reason I want to use a chat program for communication is to keep things moving if possible. If you have a question or need me to sign up for a service for a plugin to work, I want to do that fast so we don’t hold up the installations here.
1.) WordPress Super Cache
We’d also like to speed it up / modify it with the following – http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/hacking-wp-super-cache-for-speed.html
————————————————Ping Stuff
2a.) MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer
2b.) PingPressFM
2c.) No Self Pings
3.) WordPress Automatic upgrade
I’d like to add this plugin, but do not want to upgrade wordpress at this time.
4.) WordPress Wassup Plugin
5.) Feed Footer WordPress Plugin
6.) WP Tags to Technorati
7.) Google XML Sitemap generator
8.) Meet your commenters
9a.) WP-EMail
9b.) CommentMailer
10a.) The Cross-Linker Plug-in for WordPress
10b.) RB Internal Links
I’m not sure if this one will conflict with the Cross-Linker plugin above. If it does, we probably want to keep the Cross-Linker.Adsense Tools (view all before installing any)
11a.) MightyAdsense
This will also require the_excerpt_reloaded plugin so excerpts can be used. It can be found here – http://guff.szub.net/2005/02/26/the_excerpt-reloaded/ Here’s more info on that – linked from Mighty Adsense page as well – http://mightyhitter.com/mightyadsense-41-and-the_excerpt-reloaded.html There may already be a built in soluition, since this was posted back in 2006.
11b.) Adsense Deluxe
This may not work with the adsense plugin above. We might need to talk about which is better. If we can install both and test them by enabling one or the other, we’ll probably want to do that.
11c.) Easy AdSense
This one may be the most up to date adsense tool, and I appreciate that it enforces the 3 adsense block rule. Adsense will be the primary revenue for this site, so this is important. There will probably be an adsense block on the left sidebar as well, so it will be best if the rule is enforced that way. If not, maybe we can make the limit 2 blocks – knowing there will always be another in the sidebar.
12.) SourcedFrom
Content Tools
13.) BackType Connect Plugin
14.) WP-Sticky
15.) Broken Link Checker
16.) DoFollow Plugin
17.) PHP Code Widget
18.) Get Recent Comments
This will probably go in the left sidebar.
19.) SEO Super Comments
20.) All in One SEO Pack
21.) Embedded Video
22.) Insights
23.) Zemanta
24.) Follow Me Social Media WordPress Plugin
We want to put this in the sidebar on the lower left.
25.) SocioFluid
26.) OpenID
27.) WP-Gravatar
I have heard that gravatar support is built in for WP 2.6. Does the built in function do what this plugin does? If not, we want it.
28.) WP-Cumulus
29.) Mobile Plugin Needed, or we’ll use the method below.
Or maybe we can use this method – http://www.labnol.org/internet/design/how-to-create-mobile-phone-optimized-blog/2132/