This is just a screenshot I developed for a customer from, what he want is: populate data from XFDF(XML ...
Category: My Software
Any software developed by me.
The first $100 income for Batch “Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader”The first $100 income for Batch “Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader”
thanks for Robert R. Boerner, he is the first customer of my Batch “Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader”. it ...
Batch ReaderEnable 2.0 releases, and supports Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0Batch ReaderEnable 2.0 releases, and supports Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0
Batch ReaderEnable–Enable For Commenting and analysis In Adobe Reader Version:2.0 Requirement: Windows 2000, XP Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0 or up ...