RubyPDF Blog PDF,SEO Tips for optimizing PDF files for Search Engines

Tips for optimizing PDF files for Search Engines

In a recent development, Yahoo has finally released its ads for Adobe PDF service. PDF is an amazing way to publish content. But in order for search engines to find them, you would need to optimize them. Web20Ranker will serve as a good example of it. So here are a set of basic tips offered by Marketing Sherpa that will make sure that your PDFs can be indexed by Google. However, before you get started make sure that you have the recent version of Acrobat, add meta-data, divide large files etc. We also recommended checking a few search engine optimization case studies just to kind of get the idea of how search engines work.

Optimization Tips for PDF:

Text Identification

In order to identify the text in an image in Acrobat, you would need to run OCR(character recognition) after opening your image-based PDF. Then go to the document menu, where it will scan the document and translate the image-text into text. You can then even edit the text according to your search engine optimization requirements.

Dividing the larger files

Dividing a large PDF file, into many smaller files would make it easier for the search engines to easily find your web page. By specifying your files, you can reduce the PDF download time, while you have the choice of opting for broader range of search keywords.

Optimize your PDF copy

After you have indexed the text PDF for search engines, you should also optimize the text with SEO techniques. Use specific keywords for the PDF and use them in the PDF text headlines, subheads and copy. buy pbn links and include them in your websites so more people can discover the influence of your website.

Discard duplicate content

You should be aware that the search engines simply hate duplicate content. So why bring the wrath of the search engines on you. Therefore, you should either alter one of same content that you have on the site, or delete it all together. Also, another option would be using proper meta tags. As it can prevent the search engines from indexing one of the pages.

Adding metadata

Another PDF technique would be adding text related Metadata. It would describe your file to the search engines and the search engines would use these information to index your page.

Adding links

In Acrobat PDFs you can add links, so that the customers can have a look at the product and can even add it to their shopping cart if they are interested. See Local Viking to learn how to showcase your GMB results.

Add your company footer

A company footer would include your company’s name, address, contact information and website link. You can add these information to every PDF to facilitate searches for your business.

Optimizing links to the PDF

In order to convince, the search engines that your content is relevant, your website should have a display text containing the text specific keywords.

Also, read another article about, Higher Ranking with SEO for PDF.


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