RubyPDF Blog My Software,PDF Found super fast tools to divide A4 to 2 A5 pages

Found super fast tools to divide A4 to 2 A5 pages

It is just a article talks about my two softwares posted by JimmyZou on

After google a lot, I find super fast tool to cut A4 pdf into double pages A5 file.

I did one, and attach it behide, you guys can check it out.

Using DOS command to do it, and it done very fast, I split the 210K size pdf in 2 seconds, and the outcome file is 240K only, very effective!

You can find the software here:

There are two softwares needed: PDFRotate and PDFDivide

First copy all software and the PDFs into one directory, the 2 simple steps:
1.First use PDFRoate
\PDFRoate 1-A4.pdf 1-A4-90.pdf 90
Rotate pdf 90 degree first, prepare to divide it.
2.USE PDFDivide
\Divide 1-A4-90.PDF 1-2A5.PDF

The only none-beatiful thing is that it cut directly, so in some pages there are 1 line letters been cut into 2 parts.

But anyway, it’s nice and fast.

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