PdfCrypt is a windows 32 console/command line version PDF encrypt & decrypt software, supports standard 48 bits, 128 bits, AES-128 bits encryption, and decryption. And first of all,it is free.
If you need java source code, linux stand alone version, or .net version, please let me know.
It bases on modified version iText 1.5.4 and gcj 3.4.2, compressed with UPX 3.03.
Here is the usage manual,
= encrypt
[info pairs]
= decrypt
permissions is 8 digit long 0 or 1. Each digit has a particular security function:
AllowFillIn (128 bit only)
AllowScreenReaders (128 bit only)
AllowAssembly (128 bit only)
AllowDegradedPrinting (128 bit only)Example permissions to copy and print would be: 10100000
Some example,
pdfcrypt encrypt in.pdf out.pdf owner_pwd user_pwd 10100000 AES
pdfcrypt encrypt in.pdf out.pdf owner_pwd “” 11100000 128 //128 bits encrypt with owner password
pdfcrypt encrypt in.pdf out.pdf “” user_pwd 11100000 128 //18 bits encrypt with user password
pdfcrypt decrypt in.pdf out.pdf owner_pwd
if the owner password is empty, please use it in this way,
pdfcrypt decrypt in.pdf out.pdf “”
It means if the pdf only encrypted with user password, you can easily remove the password without the password.
If you forget the owner password, you can try pdfcrack to get it and use PdfCrypt to remove the owner password
Can you send me a copy of your C# source code? my Email address is imgen@hotmail.com. Thank you very much
Sorry, wrong,it should be java source code
Could you send me a copy of your .net source code (or java code)?
My Email : getmyfiles@yahoo.com.hk. Many Thanks.
It will be great if you can send a copy of source code to me.
Thanks a lot.
Can you send me the C# source code please?
Thanks a lot.
It wiil be great if you can send a copy of java source code.
If the java code is too big, a linux stand alone version is also very helpful.
Thank you very much.
could you send me a copy of java source code?
I developed similar tools, based on itext 1.3, and I would like to go on developing using newer itext versions.
You can send the source code to miopattume@email.it
Thank you very much,
Happy New Year!
I am very much interested in getting either the C or the Java source code for teaching purposes. In my courses of Cryptography I use different applications and examples and this one looks very interesting for my students
Thank you
Please use hscolnik@gmail.com or hugo@dc.uba.ar
A nice project!
It would be great if you can send me please the java source code and (if available) the linux version.
Thanks in advance!
You can mail it to:
It wiil be great if you can send a copy of c# .net version code that will very helpful.
Please send to:liweil@sohu.com
Thank you very much.
Can you send me a copy of your C#(or C or Java) source code?
You can mail it to:
It would be great if you could send me a copy of your Java source code. I really appreciate your work.
Could you send me a copy of your Java code? My E-mail:dongxuefeisimiao@126.com Thank you!
hello, could you send me pdfcrypt for linux ?
Email : hualoqueros@gmail.com
Thank you.. :)
Cool job!
It would be great if you can send me a copy of the java source code and the linux version.
Email : wirror800@gmail.com
Thank you.. :)
I need java source code, linux stand alone version with pdfCrypt
Nice utility.
Can you please send me the .net source code.
My email ID is svg3414@gmail.com
Nice job!
It would be great if you can send me java source code, linux stand alone version, and .net version
Email : dinamo_46@live.com
Thank you.. :)